Getting To Stowe

Directions to Stowe, Vermont

Traveling to Stowe, Vermont

A variety of transportation options are available to get you to Stowe, Vermont.

Flying to Stowe, Vermont

Jet air service is available at Burlington International Airport (BTV), a full-service international airport located in South Burlington, Vermont and just a scenic 40-minute drive away from Stowe. Rental cars and taxis are available in Burlington, Waterbury and Stowe. 

Driving to Stowe, Vermont

Stowe, Vermont is easily reached by car from major cities in the northeast United States. Below are approximate travel times to Stowe by car from major northeast cities:

  • Boston: 3.5 hours
  • Hartford: 3.5 hours
  • New York: 6.5 hours
  • Philadelphia: 8 hours
  • Washington D.C.: 10 hours
  • Albany: 3.5 hours
  • Montreal: 3 hours
  • Toronto: 8 hours

While the highways and main roads are well plowed and maintained, winter tires are strongly encouraged for car travel to and within Stowe.

Train and Bus Service

Train and bus services are available into Waterbury, Vermont, approximately 15 minutes from Stowe. Green Mountain Transit (GMT) offers a complimentary shuttle bus service (the Mountain Road Shuttle) that travels through town in the winter months. The GMT Route 100 Connector stops by the Stowe Town Hall, providing access to other GMT routes. For more information, call (800) 467-8693 to speak with a Vacation Planning Expert.

Transportation In Stowe

A variety of transportation options are available to get you around town, including busses, taxi services, planes and airport shuttles.