Tango Takes Stowe August 16-19

July 30, 2018


Put a feather in your fedora this summer, and experience one of the premier tango festivals in the country! For the fifth year, The Argentine Tango Society will bring the Stowe Tango Music Festival to Stowe August 16 – 19. The festival shares the story of tango culture through art, dance and music, with a full lineup of exciting public events – both complimentary and ticketed.

The Stowe Tango Music Festival includes a variety of musical performances, dance workshops, dance parties (known as milongas), educational presentations and social gatherings. A Tango Jam kicks off the festivities at Town & Country Resort. The Tango Trail on Saturday afternoon includes mini milongas and Argentinean-inspired fare at bars and restaurants throughout town – including Junior’s at Stowe. Night owls can dance until 2 a.m. during a late-night milonga with live music and a DJ.

The Festival Concert at the Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center on August 18 is the signature show of the weekend. Experience a unique 30-piece tango orchestra comprising an extraordinary group of student musicians from all over the globe and guest tango legends from Argentina. This year, the Stowe Tango Music Festival Concert will also feature dazzling performances by acclaimed tango dancers, Ana Padron & Diego Blanco, and Gabriel Misse & Guillermina Quiroga. This is world-class tango right here in Stowe!

At the helm of the Stowe Tango Music Festival is third-generation Argentinean bandoneon player, Hector Del Curto, and his wife and cellist, Jisoo Ok. A bandoneon looks a bit like an accordion and is the essential instrument in tango music. Hector is a 2018 Grammy Award winner, and is famed for weaving together both traditional and new tango. He edifies the full history of tango and is entertaining in the process, and his passion is contagious.

For all the details on the Stowe Tango Music Festival, visit stowetangomusicfestival.com.

About the Author:
Jasmine Bigelow is a Stowe local who lives in awe of tango musicians and dancers.  A marketing consultant with two left feet and absolutely no musical talent, you’ll find her on the sidelines rather than the stage at the Stowe Tango Music Festival.

Images courtesy of: Stowe Tango Music Festival (Deerfoot Photo and Armin Helisch)

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