Ways You Can Support Stowe Businesses From Home

March 31, 2020


Life and business as we know it has changed dramatically with the progression of the Coronavirus around the world and in the United States. The hospitality industry, including lodging properties, attractions, dining establishments and shops, and many other small businesses in the Stowe area have been impacted. While we are all doing our part to minimize the impact, there are still ways you can support local businesses while aspiring to #returntoStowe. View our ideas below.

Buy any way you can.

Shop online, order delivery or takeout directly from a restaurant, subscribe to an online class or purchase gift certificates directly from stores online to be used at your favorite shop later. Find Stowe-area businesses that are open.

Engage online and on social media.

Many businesses have turned to live-streaming events so you can attend upcoming events. Follow your favorite Stowe-area businesses on social media, and like, comment on and share their posts regularly. Use hashtags #ReturnToStowe, #StoweStrong, #SupportStoweHospitality, #SupportStoweBusinesses and #TourismStrong.


Local non-profits are working to support areas of need which are even more critical in a crisis. Make a difference and help a neighbor during this crisis. The Stowe C19 Team General Relief Fund helps support our town during this time of need or the United Way Lamoille County’s COVID-19 Response Fund supports Lamoille County residents and organizations who are severely impacted.

Leave a review.

Share your experience with businesses you patronize or visited on TripAdvisor, Yelp, Google, Facebook and other business review forums. After reminiscing you may be inclined to share your favorite Stowe moment (or #Stowement).

Sign up for newsletters.

What better way to get the latest updates including what services and operations have changed, what’s being offered currently and other updates? Find a Stowe area business and sign up for the Go Stowe newsletter.

Get involved.

Seek out local organizations and initiatives that are cropping up to help those in most dire need by picking up groceries and necessities or helping in other impactful ways. Stowe locals can contact Rep. Heidi Scheuermann to join the Stowe C19 Team.

Follow Go Stowe’s Travel Update page for the latest news and resources while continuing to support your favorite local Stowe businesses until we get ready to #returntoStowe!

Featured image courtesy of Mark Vandenberg.